Shilo Goldens
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Josie was owned by Debbie Koons and myself. Debbie put the specialty win and 5 pt. major (pictures), a best in sweeps, best opp in sweeps and several singles. I put 5 points on her including a 4 point major and Best of Opp. from the Bred By class at the Cleveland Classic in December 2009. I am so proud of Debbie and Josie!
BISS GCH. CH. Shilo's Mayd For Liberty, BISS, BOSS
Josie's Pedigree
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Josie won the Atlanta Specialty April 18, 2010 at 22 months of age handled by owner Debbie Koons!
Entry was 118 total and the judge was Richard Hilderman.
The day before, Debbie finished her under j. Charles Olvis with a 5 point WB/BOW/BOS over specials!
Josie won 2 more BOB and a Group 2 as well as BOS at the White River GRC Specialty and two other BOS in May 2010!
On May 27, 2010, Josie became the first Golden to obtain the new AKC GRAND CHAMPION title! All wins were owner handled as well!